I can feel myself, swaddled tight as buds, awaiting spring…

What (else) does it mean to be human...
What does it mean to be Human? This body? This mind? This Soul?

What does it mean to be Human...
The earth calls out to us in every moment - every sunbeam, every flower, every thunderstorm, every rainbow. If we learn how to truly listen once more, we will hear her, feel her, find her in each moment, begin to know her and see her in every breath. She is constantly reminding us of who we are, off where we came from, and of what it means to truly be human.

Where to find the Future…
Where to find the future…...hint...it's not in some mystical "out there" place...

What does it look like to live in integrity?
What does it look like to live in integrity? What does it mean to live from a place of knowing who you are, and by contrast, who you are not? How does living in this way inform the way you move through the world, interact with people, and connect with them?
Gracefully, courageously, intentionally, consciously, gently, and compassionately…