“What we really are searching for is a language that heals this relationship, one that takes the side of the amazing and fragile life on our life-giving earth”
Land Acknowledgement + Reparartions
In the spirit of respect and reconciliation, I acknowledges that I live and work on the traditional territories of the Siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot Confederacy), comprised of the Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, and Amskapi Piikani First Nations; the Tsuut'ina First Nation; and the Stoney Nakoda, including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations. The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. I recognize that Calgary is situated on the land where the Bow River meets the Elbow River, traditionally named Mohkínstsis by the Blackfoot people. I acknowledge that the work of reconciliation with Indigenous Nations has a long road ahead and am committed to doing my part in contributing to meaningful change, education and action.
I ask questions, read books, and amplify the voices of those who have long been silenced wherever I am able. I speak with the land, offer prayers, engage in healings and listen when the land, its true people and Spirit speak back. I am only one person, but as much as I can, I make the noise of ten when it comes to holding up the practices, lifeways and beliefs of those who were here on Turtle Island before my own people arrived. This is the work, and I do it willingly and with deepest respect and gratitude for all I have seen and been shown.
Precepts + Knowings
Ceremony, Nature, and our connection with all things are at the center of my daily life, and as such, are at the heart of my offerings. I aim to embody these practices and precepts in all that I do and share them here as both a form of accountability to myself and an invitation to others along the Way. They come from my own experiences and practices within and around Animism, Shamanism, Buddhism, The Tao and Tea.
I know that we are lucky to be here; that the human life is a blessed one, and that we are lucky to have the experience of living it.
I know that pain is an inevitable part of the human experience of life, but that Medicine and Healing are possible and available.
I know that we are all made of the same “stuff” - which makes Water, Wind, Raven and Cedar my kin, and yours.
I know that we live in a completely conscious world; that everything, everywhere is consciousness.
I know that we are living in a participatory universe; that our minds create and have the power to influence the world around us.
I know and understand the potentiality of Nature; that her wisdom is expansive and her medicine is a gift.
I know that if we open our hearts and our lives to The Mystery, all and everything is possible.
I do this work for the benefit of all beings, to be of service to them, and to support their expansion and growth.
I offer what I can, wherever and whenever I am able, so that this wisdom and knowing may be accessed by all.