Welcome, I’m glad you’re here.

Take a Deep breath and find yourself in the present moment.

A read haired woman in a white dress with a cedar crown sits in a forest

Hi, I’m Cat.

I am here to tend to the tenders, to act as a guide for those who guide; lamplighting pathways of return to heal the collective.

I am a Tea Ceremonialist and Eco-Somatic practitioner devoted to deep listening and communion with the living world. As an Animist and follower of the Tao, I walk the path of a Mystic, seeing the sacred in the ordinary and honoring the interconnection of all beings.

I interlace these practices with a non-traditional approach to psychology, weaving the living philosophies of ancient traditions into modern life. My work is an invitation to become re-enchanted by and re-entangled with the natural world. It is an opportunity to remember our place (and our responsibities) within the living web of existence.

I am not claiming to hold any special power or skills, or to have knowledge that isn’t available to others. I have simply spent most of my life cultivating the ability to listen to and engage with Nature through the many languages in which she speaks. This is what I am here to offer.

My practice isn’t magic, but it can feel like it when the practices you’re used to aren’t working (and haven’t been for a long time.)

Magic doesn’t sweep you away; it gathers you up into the body of the present moment so thoroughly that all your explanations fall away: the ordinary, in all its plain and simple outrageousness, begins to shine — to become luminously, impossibly so. Every facet of the world is awake, and you within it.
— David Abram, Becoming Animal, 2010

Have traditional therapy offerings left you wanting more?

Are you a mental health or wellness practitioner who holds space for others? Are you seeking someone who can hold similar space for you? You are not alone.

Are you searching for a deeper, more meaningful approach to healing beyond what you’ve experienced so far? You’re in the right place!

I understand how tough it can be to choose the right person to support you in this kind of work—I’ve been there myself, trying different offerings with mixed results. To help ease that decision, I’ve made it a bit simpler. If any of the words below resonate with you, spark something inside, or reflect how you see yourself (or how you want to), then I believe we’d be a great fit.

We are The Wildhearted…

We sit in Silence, so we can listen with our whole being and respond from a place of somatic Knowing.

We serve Tea in Ceremony, as a Medicine of Nature, of the Earth, and of the Heart.

We commune with the Mystery, discuss dreams, play drums, speak with plants, and read signs in nature.

We are Entangled, with Nature, with the Cosmos, with everything that has ever been and everything that ever will be.

We hold Sacred Space for all kinds of people to grow up and out and through, to break down and crack open, to heal themselves, and to begin to remember.

…so tell me, Wild Heart, who are you?…

you are…

You are a seeker; of connection, of wisdom, of experiences, of that something-more that makes life that much sweeter and that much more worth living... or you want to be.

You are conscious and aware; of your body and its signals, of your environment and your place in it, of your human and your more-than-human communities…or you want to be.

You are intensely curious; about how things work, about how things are connected, about where we come from, why we are here, and how to heal, remember, and grow…or you want to be.

You are deeply connected; to nature, to self, to spirit and soul, to practices and rituals, to your place on this earth, and to your body, your heart, and your mind…or you want to be.

You are deliriously in love; with your one precious life, with your wildly beating heart, with your soul’s divine purpose, and with this exquisite planet and all her inhabitants…or you want to be.

If any of this sounds like you (or who you want to be), Choose a tab below I will see you on the other side…

A woman stands in a cave looking towards the light source