Magic doesn’t sweep you away; it gathers you up into the body of the present moment so thoroughly that all your explanations fall away: the ordinary, in all its plain and simple outrageousness, begins to shine — to become luminously, impossibly so. Every facet of the world is awake, and you within it.
— David Abram, Becoming Animal, 2010

We are The Wildhearted.

We sit in Silence, so we may listen with our whole being and respond from a bodily sense of knowing.

We serve Tea in Ceremony, as a Medicine of nature, of the earth, and of the heart.

We commune with the Mystery, discuss dreams, beat drums, speak with plants, and read signs in nature.

We hold sacred space for people to grow up and out, to break down and crack open, to heal, and to remember.

…so tell me, wild heart, who are you?

About You

Are you are already on a path and doing the work? Maybe you’re looking to dive deeper or take the first steps into your soul’s expansion? Perhaps you want to learn more about how to listen to your body, or are you searching for that missing ‘something’? I know from experience how difficult it can be to choose someone to step into this kind of work with, having signed up for such offerings myself (with varying degrees of success). To help alleviate some of that anxiety, I’ve tried to make the decision a little easier.

If any of these words hold energy, pull you in, spark an idea, are how you see yourself, or how you want to see yourself, then I think we’d be a great fit. Click the button below to book an intake call and dive in!

You are a seeker; of connection, of wisdom, of experiences, of that something-more that makes life that much sweeter and that much more worth living... or you want to be.

You are conscious and aware; of your body and its signals, of your environment and your place in it, of your human and your more-than-human communities…or you want to be.

You are intensely curious; about how things work, about how things are connected, about where we come from, why we are here, and how to heal, remember, and grow…or you want to be.

You are deeply connected; to nature, to self, to spirit and soul, to practices and rituals, to your place on this earth, and to your body, your heart, and your mind…or you want to be.

You are deliriously in love; with your one precious life, with your wildly beating heart, with your soul’s divine purpose, and with this exquisite planet and all her inhabitants…or you want to be.

*Ideally you are also currently engaged in other healing modalities, such a meditation, therapy, or even a consistent and meaningful yoga practice. Essentially, you are “doing the work” in some way in addition to this offering. If you’re uncertain what I mean, please reach out and we can discuss further.

Please Note: I am in my final semester of my graduate degree in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies with an additional certificate in Spiritual Counseling. I am a registered student member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, but my program is non-clinical. This does mean that I am not currently able to accept any form of insurance as payment. Sliding scale pricing is available for those to whom cost is a barrier. Tea and the Tea Ceremony part of my offerings will always be offered free of charge.

© The Wildhearted. 2018 - 2024 All Rights Reserved.